Monday, June 23, 2008

Intimate Moments: A Mother's Heart Poem

The first time I sensed your arrival from the heart of God
I knew you were a special gift
You came in my dreams
I knew your name
My patience had often urged me to wait
I daydreamed and daydreamed
Pondering on the day I would hold you close to me
You caused the light in my eyes to sparkle
My emotions wasn’t the only thing you altered
I smile
My hips grew to cradle your tiny frame
My breast engorged them selves with milk
I waited for you
Oh how I waited
My face glowing like the noon day sun
My hair growing thicker by the day
I eagerly waited your arrival
Remembering how we had shared the same breath
You couldn’t say a word
So you shifted in your little world that had been created with love instead
Till all of your fears had subsided
These are the moments I’ve shared with you and will always remember
Now that you’re here
Here is a kiss upon your soft tender cheek
To let you know I will be here for you always

by Savaslas Lofton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem! Every mother can't help but remember the joy of life growing in her womb. As I read, I remembered - and longed at the same time. Longed for another chance to experience this ecstasy - life in my womb. Wow! You are undoubtedly poetic.
